Poster Sessions & Prizes

Join us in the outside of the exhibit hall on Saturday, Sunday and Monday evenings for three engaging poster sessions. Enjoy drinks and light refreshments as you explore a diverse array of topics and the latest advancements in structural science.

Poster Session #1: Saturday, July 19, 2025 from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM CT

Poster Session #2: Sunday, July 20, 2025 from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM CT

Poster Session #3: Monday, July 21, 2025 from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM CT

ACA Sponsored Pauling Poster Prizes

  • Pauling Poster Prize

    The Pauling Poster Prize was established by the ACA and is supported by member contributions, to honor Linus Pauling. Pauling was one of the pioneers in American structural research and was a very supportive member of the ACA for many years. At each annual meeting, not more than (7) best graduate or undergraduate poster presentations receive Pauling awards. 

  • Herman R. Branson Pauling Poster Prize

    The Herman R. Branson Pauling Poster Prize celebrates the legacy of Herman Russell Branson, a trailblazing African American physicist whose groundbreaking research in crystallography helped shape the field and inspire future generations of scientists.

  • Muttaiya Sundaralingam Pauling Poster Prize

    The Muttaiya Sundaralingam Pauling Poster Prize honors exceptional crystallographic research on the stereochemistry of nucleotides and nucleic acids, celebrating the pioneering contributions of Muttaiya Sundaralingam and his colleagues.

  • Louis Delbaere Pauling Poster Prize

    Established in honor of Louis Delbaere, a former ACA President from Canada, this award recognizes the highest-ranked graduate or undergraduate poster presented from a Canadian laboratory.

Sponsored Poster Prizes

  • IUCr Pauling Poster Prize

    Presented by the International Union of Crystallography, this award recognizes an outstanding poster selected by the committee. The recipient will receive an IUCr Journals open-access voucher, a complimentary three-year student membership to the IUCr Associates Programme, and a certificate. Please note that there is no cash prize.

  • Journal on Structural Dynamics Poster Prize

    A $250 prize is awarded in recognition of outstanding research in structural determination and system dynamics, made possible by emerging instruments such as XFELs and advanced electron sources, as well as innovative experimental and theoretical methodologies. This award is open to graduate and undergraduate students, as well as postdoctoral researchers, and is sponsored by the ACA Journal on Structural Dynamics.

  • RCSB Protein Data Bank Poster Prize

    This award honors outstanding student poster presentations, at either the undergraduate or graduate level, in the field of macromolecular crystallography. The recipient will receive two educational books, which will be mailed after the meeting. Additionally, the winner will be recognized on the RCSB PDB website and featured in the newsletter. For further details, please visit the RCSB Protein Data Bank website.

  • CrystEngComm Poster Prize

    CrystEngComm, a journal of the Royal Society of Chemistry, is delighted to sponsor a prize recognizing the best student poster presentation—graduate or undergraduate—in the field of crystal engineering and supramolecular chemistry. The winner will receive an RSC book voucher, and their achievement will be announced on the CrystEngComm website.

  • Oxford Cryosystems Low Temperature Poster Prize

    This award is open to all participants and recognizes the best poster showcasing work in low-temperature crystallography. The winner will receive a cash prize generously sponsored by Oxford Cryosystems, Inc.

  • Taylor & Francis Biomolecular Crystallography Poster Prize

    This prestigious award is open to all participants and recognizes the most outstanding poster showcasing a successful application of an innovative, non-routine, or computationally complex structure solution and refinement technique in biomolecular crystallography. The winner will receive a copy of Biomolecular Crystallography by Bernhard Rupp, generously provided by the Taylor & Francis Group.

  • MiTeGen-Society of Physics Students Undergraduate Poster Prize

    This award recognizes outstanding undergraduate research in crystallography and honors the best student poster presentation. Established to encourage young researchers in the field, the prize includes a $250 cash award, jointly sponsored by the Society of Physics Students and MiTeGen, along with a MiTeGen product gift certificate. All undergraduate student posters are automatically considered for this recognition.

  • Journal of Chemical Crystallography Poster Prize

    Sponsored by Springer's Journal of Chemical Crystallography, this award recognizes the best student poster presentation—graduate or undergraduate—in the field of chemical crystallography or small molecule structure determination and analysis. The winner will receive a book voucher, allowing them to select titles of their choice from Springer's extensive collection.